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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

The Ultimate Guide to Downsizing

The Ultimate Guide to Downsizing

As you approach retirement age, life is full of transitions. Your adult children grow up and move out on their own. You prepare to say goodbye to full-time work for good. And if you’re like many baby boomers, you may also think about downsizing your home.According to a report from Zillow Group, 24% of recent home buyers were age 60 or older – a 47%...

Should I Insure My Home Based Business?

Should I Insure My Home Based Business?

A home-based business is any business with its primary office located in the owner’s home, regardless of type or size. Many well known companies began as home-based, including Apple, Baskin-Robbins, Hallmark, and Purex, as stated by Entrepreneur. With so much that can be done online, operating virtually from home is more feasible than ever today. A business operated from the comfort of your home is...

Baby on Board: Insurance Checkup for New Parents

Baby on Board: Insurance Checkup for New Parents

If you’re about to enter the realm of parenthood, one thing’s for certain: everything in life is about to change.You’ll trade late nights out for sleepless nights in. You’ll master new skills – like changing diapers and soothing a newborn. And most importantly, you’ll have the responsibility of caring for a new member of your family.Having your first child is a huge milestone. And like...

Top Three Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance

Top Three Reasons Why People Buy Life Insurance

Before you get life insurance coverage, you should understand why you need it. While there are many reasons to buy life insurance, the most common reasons include:Final expenses: Final expenses refer to any expenses related to someone’s passing. This can include a casket, funeral, preparations, memorial service, cremation and more. Life insurance for final expenses is worth considering—after all, the National Funeral Directors Association reports that the median price...

How Cold Weather Affects Tire Pressure

How Cold Weather Affects Tire Pressure

From corrosive road salt to slick roads, winter creates many challenges for drivers. Another one to add to the list: Tire pressure dips caused by lower temperatures.Making sure your tires are properly inflated is an important part of getting the best performance out of your vehicle – especially during the winter months. After all, your tires represent the only point of contact between your vehicle...

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